Membership ~ $25 annually
Membership benefits include:
Monthly support & informational meetings
The Austi-Mate Quarterly Newsletter
Hospital Visiting Program
Our visitor program is a very important function of the OAA. Individuals who have had stoma surgery are specially trained to visit new ostomates in the hospital, at home, or by phone to answer questions about ostomy-related issues.
Visitors must be requested by a physician, an Enterostomal Therapy nurse, the patient or patient's family.
Left - Right
Karen Hollis, Carol Laubach, Carol Marshall- Hanson, Amy Sloan Nichols, Bonnie Hartford, Marina Chavez, Kellie Zullig
Missing: Mary Meshbane & John Duncanson
Problem-Solving Clinic
Our Problem-Solving Clinic is available for Ostomates the first Thursday of the month (same day as meeting), 1 pm to 4 pm at the Gethsemane Lutheran Church. This is a free clinic; donations to the Ostomy Association of Austin are accepted.
Call/text: 512-785-7448 and leave a message with
following information: Ostomy type, approximate age of your ostomy, problem you're experiencing, and current supplies.
Be sure to leave your name & phone number, with area code. Our retired CWON Nurse will contact you and schedule an appointment.
*Must have an appointment to be seen.
Through our affiliation with the United Ostomy Associations of America, we are a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Your donations are tax deductible. If you would like to donate, make check payable to:
Ostomy Association of Austin
P.O. Box 143383
Austin, Texas 78714
About Us...
The Ostomy Association of Austin is a voluntary Non-Profit Health Support Group serving Ostomates, their families, and friends since 1973.